175: Don't Throw The Banana Peel In The Toilet
It's only the first day of August, but the weather in Portland is such that it already feeling like plural dog days have elapsed. And yet, through it all, a podcast episode drags itself through the sun-baked streets to appear, sweating and winded, on your doorstep. Come along with Jessamyn and I as we...chatter about MetaFilter? Basically what we normally do. This one's about an hour and 45. [more inside]
174: Knobs and Dials
Jessamyn and I were both feeling excessively chatty today so this one clocks in at about one hour fifty five, with discussions about MeFi, Ask, etc. along with a bunch of wanderings and heat wave chatter. Also there is a spider and a bird, and Jessamyn saw a bear outside her window. Also I fixed my goddam GarageBand, so we have music tracks again. I missed those. [more inside]
173: No That's A Different Penguin
My dog ate my podcast synopsis. It's me, it's Jessamyn, it's a podcast recorded in the deep past of before the long weekend, it's about 90 minutes. [more inside]
172: I'll Get There At Some Point
I'll be straight with you: this is an episode, of a podcast, and it's me and Jessamyn, and we talk about MetaFilter and stuff adjacent to MetaFilter. There's no sugar-coating it: this is 90 minutes of MeFi-adjacent chatter. [more inside]
171: Was I Weird
We've made it through the dark tunnel that is April 1 online and jessamyn and I are here with that good good MetaFilter chatter and a little bit of linguistics speculation. Runs about 85 minutes. [more inside]
170: Through A Paper Towel Tube Darkly
number one victory royale / yeah podcast with Jess who's my pal / 90 minutes running time oh wow / just cleaned out my Chrome tabs now [more inside]
169: Soon May The Podcast Come
It's Febuary, Februr, uh, it's Ferbur—it's not January anymore and here's a new podcast episode. We're catching up since episode 168 a couple months ago because last month we did the live-stream gala instead! So jessamyn and I try and sum up a couple months of MetaFilter best we can. Runs about 85 minutes. [more inside]
168: Marquee Biz
167: The Gang Records A Podcast
Back on something resembling a schedule, jessamyn and I chat about MetaFilter and also...other things? I am very punchy! This has been successfully posted! Have a great weekend! [more inside]
166: The Metafilter Monthly-ish Podcast
After an August break, jessamyn and I are back to talk about Metafilter, bad weather, libraries, Metafilter, blaseball, and Metafilter. [more inside]
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